Palladium-Item from Richmond, Indiana (2024)


MVPHOTiZES THE gj(J KSTN OPPOSES HITTEBSV 11 UMTH MIS RSOJ 1 Advertising Rates IP rents rr line, per Insertion. words to the line. No ad taken for les than SO cents cash or less than 30 cents charge. No ads accented after 11 clock on dav of publication. For contract, call phone 2834 or 2872.

CARD OF THANKS 1 We wish to thank all our friends and neighbors for their tender thoughts and kind deeds and floral offerings in the death of our husband and father. William Stiner. also Rev. H. S.

James, the slnsrers and the undertakers. Jordan, McMmus, Hunt and Walterman, for the valuable services rendered to us. MRS. WILLIAM STINER AND CHILDREN. SPECIAL NOTICE NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Richmond Athletic Association at the Coliseum, Tuesday, May 17, at 7:30 p.

m. M. C. HENLEY. Pres.

SAFETY RAZORS We sharpen all style blades; work guaranteed. John M. Geyer, barber, 1605 East Main. W. L.

STEPHENSON. 823 Eis not liable for any more bills for his wife. Mrs. Gertrude Stephenson. 414 X.

16. TOU'VEGOT TO THINK BIG to rise. You must know what you are doing: or vou will never achieve success. waste your summer: make it vield you hi dividends. Start your business training1 here next Monday.

School all summer. Richmond Business CollPsre. Colonial Bldgr- FOUND Auto crank. Loser phone r4lC A'-TPOCKT SONEBOW OJAMTE3 TO WtOOu) IP KC UAJT HO THE FgLLiES at OWE TiMC. 4 41 2.

DODGE ROADSTER Model 1918, good condition. Phone 2602. FOR SALE Reed baby carriage, good condition. 617 So. 1 2th.

FOR SALE Cabbage and tomato plants, 10c a dozen. Phone 1078. FOR SALE OR TRADE Buick touring car, model '17 for Ford or real estate. Phone 2899. FOR SALE Vernis Martin bed, dresser, other household goods, cheap.

Paty leaving city. 4 It Sth St. FOR TRADE Five passenger auto, 1919 model, as first payment on city property, must be close In. Address O. Palladium.

USED CARS FOR SALE Model Hupmobile, new toj and new tires all around. Price $550. 1920 Chevrolet, fine condition. Bargain. Marmon Speedster, good condition.

Price $250. K. K. MACHINE SHOP Rear 1034 Main St. Phone 1434 OAKLAND LIGHT SIX Touring, with Rex winter top, Cord tires.

A good, comfortable family car for summer of winter. Priced reasonable. STUTZ ROADSTER, with good tires car completely overhauled and in excellent condition. SOME PEP. Would trade for touring car.

Our repair service is hard to beat. Our rates are only 85c per hour. MIKESELL'S GARAGE New Paris; O. TIRES AND TUBES MR. CAR OWNER Let us equip your car with extra mileage RUN SAFE FEDERALS.

BENNETTS' TIRE STORE The Home of Federal Tires 1512 Main Phone 2444 AUTOMOBILE PAINTING 35 Quality Automobile Painting ERNEST R. SPENCER Rear 720 So. Sth SL Phone 2716 AUTO PAINTING Have your car painted this coming week so it will look like new for your Decoration Day trip. 4A PAINT SHOP "The Daylight Shop" Maddox and 1211 N. St.

GARAGES FOR RENT 35 GARAGE FOlt 13 XT 38 So. 13th. FOIt liKN'T Garasre. rear of Woodrow Apt. 305 'X.

8. Phone 1774. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 42 BL'XGALOW Phone 3261. FOR SALE 421 Pearl. 17 i ACRE FARM mile norlT of city, cash or terms.

Phone 3861 For REAL ESTATE and FARMS, see A. M. ROBERTS. Richmond, R. F.

Phone 4171. C. E. KEEVER CO. has a fine list of houses.

Office phone 1641': res. 2169. Office 7 S. 11th St. See us for bar grain.

See Us for Farms and City Property HARRIS" KORTEWEG Southwest Comer 6th and Main Sts. Office Phone 2278 Residence S014 Get Bmsy THESE ARE BARGAINS 5ROOM HOUSE, semi-modern, on car line. Payments. 8 ROOMS and bath, good lot, pos-sion now. Price payments.

Might rent. 6 ROOMS, modern, on car line. Possession soon. Price $2,700. GOOD RENTALS, $1,800 a year, to trade for farm.

RAMSEY HUDDELSON American Trust 9th and Main Phones 2576. 1899, 6041 TIRES AND TUBES GOOD-CITY HOMES PORTERFIELD. Colonial Bldg. Here's Your Chance for a Good Home 6- Room Modern, with garage. 5 -Room Bungalow.

7- Room Brick House, close in. Phone 1481 City Homes and Farmras 5- ROOM BUNGALOW, modern except furnace; good location; $3,300, $500 down, balance like rent. 6- ROOM HOUSE, electric light, gas, both kinds of water, toilet in house, newly papered and painted. This is a real bargain. Location good, close to car line; $2,600.

$500 down, $25 per month. 25-ACRE FARM, 2 Ms miles from Sth and Main; good buildings. Can be bought reasonable on payments. Uet busy. LEWIS Room 1 Vaughn Building, TlOV- Main Phone 3 66 FARMS WANTED UinipBHSJ JO it08-H xog puoui uajjoujjjij nrcuis ot.

uh.t.xv.w WAREHOUSE SPACE About 18,000 square feet floor space is available for manufacturers or jobbers. The building is on the Penn. Lines and has a siding, with unloading' space. The building is equipped with electric elevator. Inquire of PALLADIUM LEGAL NOTICE XOTICE OK APPOINTMENT State of Indian.

Wayne Counts-, Estate of Vmv It. Hilbert. deceased. Xotice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the Wayne Circuit Court, executor of the estate of Wm. It.

Hilbert. deceased, late of Wayne County. Indiana. Said estate is probably solvent. ELMER E.

HALL. Executor. Paul A. Beckett, attorney for executor. May 13-20-27.

MTY ADVERTIsem*nT Department of Public Works, office of the Board, Richmond, May 12th, 1921. To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given by the Board of Public Works of the City of Richmond, Indiana, that on the 12th day of May, 1921, they approved an assessment roll showing the prima facie assessments for the following' described public improvement, as authorized by the improvident resolution named: Improvement Resolution No. 588,1921, to improve the property lying between Ratliff and Ridge from School street to Stevens street; by constructing a sanitary sewer in the alley between Ratliff and Ridge streets from School street to Stevens street. Persons interested in or affected by said described public improvements are hereby notified that (he Board of Public Works of said city has fixed Thursday, June 9. 1921, 9 o'clock a.

as a date upon which remonstrances will be received, or heard, against the amount assessed against each piece of property described in said roll and will determine the question as to whether such lots or tracts of land have been or will be benefited in thp amounts named on said roll, or in a greater or less sum than that named on safd roll. Said assessment roll showing said prima facie assessments, with the names of owners and descriptions of property subject to be assessed, is on file and may be seen at the office of the Board of Public Works of said city. MATT. VON PEIN, T. C.

TAYLOR. JOHN E. PELTZ, Board of Public Works. May 13-20, 1921. TIRES AND TUBES Prices Effective at Once FABRICS I lb Washington Senators may wilt when tfc weather Rets wanr and the opposition pitchers let keyed up, out right now George LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the Circuit Court of Wayne County.

Indiana, as executor of the last will of Walter S. Commons, deceased, late of said county. Said estate is probablv solvent. DICKINSON TRUST COMPANT, Executor. Benjamin F.

Harris, attorney. May 6-13-20. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Xotice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the Circuit Court Wayne County. Indiana, as administrator of the estate of Guy M. Davenport, deceased, late of said counts'.

Said estate is probably solvent. FRANK G. DAVENPORT. Administrator. Benjamin F.

Harris, attorney, April 29: May 6-13. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT State of Indiana. Wayne Counts, ss Estate of John McCowan. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed b- the Wayne Circuit Court, administrator of the estate of John McCowan.

deceased, late of Wayne County, Indiana. Said estate is supposed to be solvent. CHARLES MORGAN. Administrator. Frank T.

Strayer, attorney. Try a Palladium Want Ad. FREES 10 SEE H. U. BROWN FOR all kinds repair work, carpenter and cement, brtck work.

Phone No. 6197. 120 So. 3rd ntreet, PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning "Get the Best." D. E.

Roberts, phones 4110-2623 RECORD EXCHANGE BUT used records, save 83 1-3 percent. Nellie A. Booker. Miller Harness Store. PAINTING 15 HOUSE PAINTING Interior finishing.

E. C. Sims, phone 2571. FURNACES Marshall (Wolverine) Furnace E. J.

Knapp. phone 14fi9, office 520 Main St. GILT EDGE FURNACES installed, all makes A. L. Lee, 424 South 9th.


BAKER. Mgr. W. E. EVANS For Local and Lonfr Distance Hauling: of All Kinds.

Phone Sl5 330 Lincoln FORREST MONGER For local and long distance Furniture crated, stored or shipped. AUTO MOVING VAN 200 South 7th St. Phone 260S MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 21 FOR SALE Excelsior motorcycle. North 2nd. 8 CABINET gas range, used months.

1033 So. 5th. FOR SALE Library table and sideboard. 215 W. Main.

PRACTICALLY NEW electric sweeper, $30. 101 Lincoln street. FOR SALE "Fire proof safe. Inquire Dougan. Jenkins and H.

C. Iredell. 4 30-INCH window awnings, 2 10-ft. porch awnings. 13S So.

16th. Phone 1474. FOR SALE Vulcanizing plant, first class condition, molds from 3 to 44. 104 Southwest Seventh. FOR SALE Ivory reed baby carriage, good condition, child's new Oxford, size S.

Phone 6010, 432 So. 12. SCREEN DOORS for sale, made to order, repairing, lawn mowers sharpened. Wesley Brown and Son. Phone 30S6.

FOR SALE 2 corn plows, o-hole disc wheat drill, one manure spreader, 2 milk cows. Box H-S163, Care of Palladium. 200 POUNDS of chick or scratch feed delivered your station, freight prepaid, $4.75. Flat Rock Mills, Flat Rock. Ind.

FOR SALE Good used furniture of all kinds at what new would cost. Townsend? Used Goods Store, 533 Main, Phone 1296. WATCHES AND SPECTACLES For bargains in watches and high grade spectacles, call at C. E. KEEVER WATCH SHOP 7 South 11th St.

High-Grade Bone Fertilizer Priced to Sell HOOSIER FEED and FEEDER CO. Cor. S. 6th and A Sts. Phone 2063 APPLES, POTATOES A car of fine cooking potatoes, 89c a bushel.

Fine eating and cooking apples, reasonable price. Fine strawberries. 177 Ft. Wayne first door north of Lichtenfels meat market. RICHMOND -FRUIT COMPANY Phone 1509 JERSEY SWEET POTATO PLANTS HOOSIER FEED FEEDER CO.

Cor. So. 6th and A Phone 2063 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 22 FURNITURE AND STOVES All kinds; good prices. Home Supply Store. 131 Ft.

Wayne Avenue. Phone 1862. WANTED Used steam heating plant, or boiler and radiators alone. P. O.

Box 298, New Paris, O. BUILDING MATERIALS 23 Drain With Concrete Tile Build -with Concrete BIgx jhm BertScltBros Phone 3250 LIVE STOCK 31 The MOST PROFITABLE HOG for the American Farmer He outnumbers all others in sales, and shows and at the central markets. "There is a reason. DUROCS are PROLIFIC Large litters. GOOD MOTHERS Kind and gentle.

RAPID DEVELOPERS Early matw- PROFITABLE FEEDERS For the feeders. GOOD FORAGERS Active and alert. LARGE TYPE Heavy bone, upstanding. EASY HANDLERS Wide open eyes. MONEY GETTERS For you.

Raise more and better hogs by adding a Registered DUROC Boar and some Gilts to your herd. WAYNE COUNTY DUROC BREEDERS' ASSN. BOARD AND ROOM HOu AMV to tvw emorAcostav to-a. 2 Base aCJ IT OUT THEt3.Br are going good on the mound and Sam Rice, Gharrity. Judge and Shanks are hitting at a fast clip.

The team has lots of pep. NEW GAME SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED BY CLINE FOR RICHMOND HIGH Nine games for the comics basket-bait season have been announced fa-Manager Cline for the Richmond high school basketeers for the season of 1921-22. Only two. open dates are left on the Red and Whites' schedule and Mr. Cline hopes to have them filled soon.

An effort will be made to book a game with the Du Pont Manual Training high school of Louisville. due to the fact that the Kentucky school does not make its schedule until in the fall. Mr. Cline stated that the Louisville school manager talkei favorable of a game so an open date will be left on the schedule. The season will open here with Elkhart as the opposition on December 16, and will close with Newcastle playing here on February 24.

Eleven games will be played by the Red and White during the season. Following is the schedule: Dec. 16 Elkhart, here. Dec. 23 Hagerstown.

here. Jan. 6 Open. Jan. 13 Ridgeville, here.

Jan. 20 Rushville. there. Jan. 27 Columbus, here.

Feb. 3 Open. Feb. 10 Decatur, there. Feb.

11 Wabash, there. Feb. 17 Spiceland. here. Feb.

21 Newcastle, here. 7921 SPEEDWAY ENTRIES Twenty-five of the crack auto drivers of the continent jnd Europe have ntered the field for honors on the Indianapolis Speedway May 30 when the annual 500-mile race will be held, the lar being raised against further entries esterday. The names of two of the driven? have been withheld although it Is understood that they have been chosen. The entry lit follows: Driver Car Eddie Heame ReVere Special Ralph Ballot Special Ira Leach Special Tommy Milton Durant Special Murphy Dueseuberg Special Roscoe Sarles Duesenberg Special Edward Miller. Special Eddie Pullen Duesenberg Soeciil Ralph Fontenac Specia' Unnamed Fontenac Special Howard Wilcox Peugeot Speci Andre Boillot.

Srecia! Rene Thoma? Sunbeam Special Carlo Resta Special R. J. Brett Junior Special (Unnamed! Junior Special Jean Chassagne Peugeot Specia! John A. Thicle. Special Percy Ford.Chicago-Frontenac Special Joe boyer l)u senberg Special Albert Guyot Duesenberg Special C.

W. VanRanst. Special L. L. Corum Frontenac Special M.

E. Headley Frontecac Special Williamsburg, Ind. WILLIAMSBURG, Ind. Mr. and Mrs.

Will Goodwin and children, alsn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodwin and children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Enos VeaL Sunday Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Riggleman bad as their week-end Mr. and Mrs. Sain Rigeleman and children, also Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Risgleman. of CnVm City Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guntkle had as their guests Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Tom Gunckle, also Mr. and Mrs Gienn Gunckle. of Green Ann Stiggall from this place spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

Omet StoggaJl at Economy Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rigglernan and daughter called on Mr. and Mrs. Will Cheesemaft, Sunday Mr.

and Mrs. Frnt also Mr. and Mrs. Omer Stiggell motored to Richmond Sunday The total attendance at the church Sunady morning was 221.... Mr.

and Mrs. James Ladd and Ellen Traverse spent Thursday rith Mr. and Mrs. Allen Oler Mr. and Mrs.

Jesse Hardwick took supper with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins at Bloom-ingsport Tuesday evening. and Mrs. Howard Harme! called an Mr.

and-Mrs. James Ladd Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Allen Oler were in Richmond Monday. Cran-or, also Miss Margret Merideto" and Violet Hardwick motored to Richmond Monday and Mrs.

Allen Franklin were in Richmond Thursday. The buzzing by the rapid, vibration of the wings, which may amount to 600 beats a second. SOOlX UT AH BAuu osT McBride has Clark Griffith's jranjr going great guns in the American league scramble. Shaw, Zachary, Johnson and Erickson ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY WILL HONOR HEROES OF WORLD CONFLICT Rv Associated Press) URBANA. 111..

May 13. As a memorial to the 173 men from the University of Illincis who lost their lives in the world war, a Court of Honor will be built in the new athietic stadium to be built with a Jl.500,000 fund now being raised. There will be 173 columns in the court, one for each of the university's heroes. Already various campus organizations have sponsored more than half of the columns, pledging $1,000 each as their contribution to the memorial. Those organizations which lost men during the war will dedicate their column to the memory of their own soldier dead.

One of the unique sponsors of a column is the Field Artillery Regiment, R. O. T. composed of men from many organizations and some from none at all. The regiment plans to dedicate its column to some former university artilleryman who was not a member of any campus organization.

FREE' PUBLIC SALE MONEY TO LOAN Savings and Investments Ask us about them. I I 1 i FOUND Pair of glasses. Thursday ev-fning. Owner may have by calling: at Palladium offiVe. SALF.SNJErj AGENTS WANTED SPKCIALTV SALESMAN Local territory, hijrh grade proposition for good man.

Sre Mr. Fordyce, Arlington Hotel, Monday. MAKE MONEY IN SPARE, TIME Ford owners wanted as agents for well known Ford accessory. You can soil them to Ford owners in your neighborhood and make big profits in spare time. Liberal discount on sample order ami profit of SI 8 on every sale.

Opportunity to add $50 per week to ypur present earnings in an hour or two of pleasant work each day. Equip your own car now and start making big money. Desirable local territory can be secured by acting at once. Write today for complete information. Box 27, Western Market.

Detroit. Mich. HELP WANTED MALE 5 MEN We teach barbering by practical work in short lime. Day or evening. Harbers earn big money.

Write Moler Barber College, 105 S. Wells. Chicago. WANTED Painter. Hotel.

Westcott WANTED -cott Hotel. Carpenter. West- HELP WANTED FEMALE ANTE -A good girl for general 117 N. 13th. house work.

WANTED Competent gtrl or woman to do house work, small family. 316 South 16th. WANTED Lady to help with house work and children for board and reasonable wage. Phone 2946. COLLKGE lillili with wide business, experience desires a responsible position in office or bank.

Highest reference. Address Box H-S165, Care of Palladium. IAI'lHS Learn hairdressing. marcel-ine beauty culture. Be self-supporting in a few weeks.

Big pay. Writ fr catalog. Moler College, 105 S. Wells Chicago. SITUATION WANTED 8 A WOMAN wanting work by the day.

Phone 4032. WANTED Work as practical nurse. all 737 South Sth street. WANTS WORK in private fam-ilv. bx 11-S046.

Care of Palladium. RVICES OFFE RED WASHINGS 922 South 9th street. WA NT EI Whs in is. 24 2 So. 2nd.

ASHINGS WANTED 127 So. 4th St. FOR PAPEIt HANGING, Phone 3049. Moore. ROOMS OR RENT 9 FURNISH ED ROOMS 421 North 15th.

URNFs'H ElTllOOMS 1317 East Main. NICE MODERN ROOMS Phone 1641 or 21fi. FOR RKNT-12th street. -Pleasant room. 315 N.

LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 9 FURNISHED ROOM for housekeeping, fine for vacation time. Willow Brook farm. Phone 54411. FOR RENT 2 furnished light housekeeping rooms, private entrance, 1st floor, $." a wk. 101 State street.

HREE FU RNl SHED ROOMS 1232 Kidge. on car line. Kitchen, two bedrooms. Rent Jl per week. Phone 2686.

HO US ES A.PTS. TO ENT 4 ROOM apartment. Phone 1529. 5-ROOM HOUSE at oii N. 19, for rent.

Phone 370S. I 'OR RENT Furnished 4-room modern apartment, centrally located. 1300 North A. OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Office suites in K. of P.

BIdg. See Frank Straj er. room 201 K. of P. Bldg WANTED TO RENT 1 WANT TO RENT house or apartment, possession the middle of June or the first of July, i'lose in.

with or without heat furnished. Box H-S045, Care of Palladium. BUSINESS SERVICE J2 LAWN MrtWERS sharpened. Frank Hruner. Phone 2516.

UMBRELLAS repaired and recovered, work called for and returned. (Shorty) M. O. Crawford, 402 N. 3rd.

HAVE VOIR wall paper and rugs made same as new by the January Cleaners. Phone 3463. All work guarant eed. High-Grade Auto Finishing First-class workmanship. Price reasonable.

Lambertson Auto Finishing 430 East 5th Greenville. Ohio. SHEET METAL WORK When a Fellow Needs a Friend Bring your tubes or hot water bottle in Saturday and have It repaired free by Seal Fast factory man. Seal Fast Minute Man Patch, 50c, fl.00, $1.50 sizes. FELTMAN'S CIpAR STORE 609 Main Where You Buy Tires for Less Phone 2033 PUBLIC SALE Our herd having outgrown our accommodations, we will sell at PUBLIC SALE ISO" Registered Jersey -Cattle WEDNESDAY, MAY 25 consisting of 15 Registered of Merit cows and thMr offspring, sired by the great show bull Guarantee on.

Fabrics Guarantee on Cords SULTAN'S SOUTHWEST MAJESTY 14718S Cows good enough to reach the R. of M. class are scarce and it is only on rare occasions that we find a whole lierd of cows that he demonstrated their ability to make enough butter to entitle them to be also entered in the Register of Merit or Advanced Register as it is sometimes called. These cows are so entered and more; ten of them have been assigned to class AA, the very highest rating possible. Never in the history of Jersey cattle fcave a whole herd of R.

of M. cows and thirty of their offspring, all sired by one bull, been offered at public sale. Cows, heifers and calves of both sexes, and all ages are included. Interest in this event is widespread, as we have received inquiries concerning if from every state in the United States and a number of provinces in Canada. And almost two weeks before the sale.

Get a catalog and come see a real Jersty cow the day of sale, whether you wish to buy or not. The Dean of all Auctioneers, COL. D. L. PERRY, Columbus, O.

CLIFTON R. SMELKER New Madison, Ohio. Cord.Rib N. S. Plain N.

S. Tubes $12.50 $12.00 $2.00 15.00 14.00 2 50 18.50 18.00 32.00 2.75 21.00 20.00 3.25 25.00 24.00 40.00 3.50 27.50 25.00 41.0 3.60 28.00 26.00 42.00 3.75 34.50 45.00 4.25 35.50 46.00 4.5 36.00 35.00 47.00 4.50 36.50 36.00 4.60 38.00 37.00 49.00 4.75 42.50 37.50 55.00 5.10 45.00 42.00 58.00 5.20 48.00 44.00 5S.00 5.40 the Following: New Fabric Fabric Plain. Road Kind 32x32-. $17.00 $18.50 32x4 21.25 33x4 22.25 34x4 $23.25 26.00 34x4 1 33.00 35x4 ij 36.00 mi- if 30x3 30x3 32x31-2 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 33x43 34x4s 35x4. 36.X4U 33x5 35x5 37x5 Special on MONEY TO LOAN Use the WELFARE SYSTEM I US DC AR FOR SALE 1920 Ford touring car.

Call 226 7th. i Cords Ribbed 32x4 33x4 34x4 32x4i. 33x4'. 35x42. Cords N.

Skid 34x4 35x4'-. Cigar Store Good Tires for Less Phone 2039 FORD GARS 1920 Sedan, like new 1920 Coupe, like new $650.00 and stock body, in excellent condition $400.00 Ttaoiini, LOANS per 2 cent per month oa furniture, pianos, livestock. Liberty bonds. 9 No, 10th St. Phone FELTMAN Where You Buy 609 Main FURNACE REPAIRING C.

E. PRICE Shop Rear 460Va Randolph St. Fftone 3129 Loan Society Ford Touring, very good $225.00 CASH or TERMS WALTER E. SCHOTT 14 South 9th Richmond, Ind. 2509 Richmond, lad.

Palladium-Item from Richmond, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.