Page 4A Palladium-Item 2015 If looking to plan your evening out, this is the place for you. The latest weather and events information can be found at HAPPENING TODAY Douper Chili Cook- ff p.m. Friday, senior enter, 1600 S. Second Richmond. The public is invited to urchase meals for $5 made by ocal in-care facilities.
Meals include chili and trimmings, corn- read, coleslaw, dessert and drink ages welcome. Gordon Bonham 8 Mar. 27, The Firehouse, 400 N. Eighth Richmond. No cover Friday.
(765) 488-0312 Interaction Singles Dance 8 p.m.-11p.m., March 27, Eagles Lodge, 75 S. 12th Richmond. ocial hour from 6-7 p.m., discussion from 7-8 p.m. and dance from Eagles membership ot required. $6.
SATURDAY (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meetings a.m. at Hodgin Road Christian Church, 4050 Hodgin Road, Richmond; and 9-10 a.m. (with weigh-in from a.m.) at Faith-Trinity United Methodist Church, 2900 W. Main Richmond. alley cleanup canceled because of a death in family.
Weekly event will resume April 4. Clean-up drop in between 9 a.m.-noon, Hayes Arboretum, 801Elks Road, Richmond. the Spirit of God in The Spirit of the lectures, 9:45 a.m. and 1:30 p.m, arlham School of Religion, 228 College Richmond. Speaker is author Diana Butler Bass.
No fee or lectures. Those who want to eat the 8 a.m. breakfast and 12:15 p.m. lunch will be charged $25. Registration: (800) 432-1377 or Build a Resume 10 a.m., library, 301N.
Barron Eaton, Ohio. Create a resume and search or jobs using the new databases, Career Cruising and Career Transitions. Call (937) 4 56-5562 to reserve your spot. Lovers Club 10:30 a.m.- noon, Morrisson-Reeves Library department, 80 N. Sixth Richmond.
Try knitting, crocheting, weaving, making friends hip bracelets, rainbow loom or embroidery. Doughnuts and supplies provided. Free. All ages a re welcome and families are encouraged. Find more events at Honolulu Hilo Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Washington New York Miami Atlanta Detroit Houston Chicago Minneapolis Kansas City El Paso Denver Billings Los Angeles San Francisco Seattle Honolulu Hilo Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Washington New York Miami Atlanta Detroit Houston Chicago Minneapolis Kansas City El Paso Denver Billings Los Angeles San Francisco Seattle SNOWFALL 24 hrs ending 4 p.m.
yest. 0.0” Season to date 26.1” Weather Regional Forecast Extended Forecast National Forecast Almanac Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. TEMPERATURES PRECIPITATION SUN AND MOON Gary Lafayette Indianapolis Bloomington Terre Haute Richmond Eaton Muncie Dayton ance Chicago Cincinnati Louisville Evansville South Bend Fort Wayne Mostly sunny and cold Saturday. Sunday: mostly cloudy and breezy with a shower in spots in the afternoon.
Monday: breezy and cool with abundant sunshine. Tuesday: sunshine. Wednesday: mild with clouds and sun. Rain will slowly leave the coastal Northeast today, but it will linger for a time along the southern Atlantic Seaboard with showers in part of the Ohio Valley. Snow showers will a ect the lower Great Lakes to part of the interior Northeast and the Dakotas.
Warmth will continue over much of the West under sunshine. Texas will be tranquil. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. Richmond through 4 p.m. yesterday estimated Today Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday (midnight) 45 Thursday (6 am) 40 Thursday (noon) 41 Thursday (6 pm) Normal Last year Record high 77 (2007) Record low 11 (2001) 24 hrs ending 4 p.m.
yest. 0.53” Month to date 3.51” Normal month to date 2.67” Year to date 6.68” Normal year to date 7.67” Sunrise today 7:32 a.m. Sunset tonight 7:58 p.m. Moonrise today 1:07 p.m. Moonset today 2:50 a.m.
High: 35 High: 36 High: 47 High: 53 High: 58 Low: 13 Low: 17 Low: 32 Low: 39 Low: 34 FIRST FULL LAST NEW FRIDAY, MARCH, 27 Breezy and cool with abundant sunshine Sunshine Mostly cloudy and breezy; a p.m. shower Mostly sunny and cold Brisk and colder with more clouds than sun NameLastChgNameLastChgNameLastChgNameLastChgNameLastChg Metals (Troy ounce) Gold 1205.10+7.801203.00+7.00 Silver 17.122+0.142 MarketWatch Stocks of local interest visit www.thestarpresscom/stocks for quotes on any stock Dow Jones 17,678.23 Frankfurt DAX 11,843.68 Nasdaq 4,863.36 London FT-SE 100 6,895.33 500 2,056.15 Paris CAC 40 5,006.35 Russell 2000 1,231.99 Tokyo Nikkei 225 19,471.12 AES Corp 1 2.46 .04 A Steel 4 .41 .11 A Inc32.82+.20 AbbVie57.27-.95 AMD2.65+.02 AlcatelLuc3.73-.12 Alcoa 1 2.88 .09 A libaba 8 4.17 .42 A llegTch30.28-.23 Altria 5 0.00 .15 A mbev 5 .67 .11 A mriana 1 5.80 .46 A mAirlines 5 1.27 .75 A EP55.33-.58 AmExp78.48-1.63 AmWtrWks53.46-.47 Anthem 1 52.82 1.60 A pple Inc 1 24.24 .86 ApldMatl22.40-.23 Avon7.90-.03 BP PLC 3 9.81 .20 allCorp69.75-.39 BcoBrad pf11.05-.33 BkofAm 1 5.42 .01 iPVixST 2 6.05 .22 arrickG11.29-.07 Baxter68.02-.12 Belden 8 8.07 .24 lackBerry 9 .30 .02 obEvans45.59-.26 BorgWarn59.13+.09 BostonSci 1 7.44 .08 roadcom 4 2.15 .16 SX33.27-.04 ardnlHlth89.14+.13 Cemex9.44-.28 Cemig pf4.03-.09 ChesEng14.22-.12 Cisco 2 7.09 .37 itigroup51.19-.19 CitizFin n24.12+.12 CocaCola40.35-.10 ColgPalm 6 8.74 .15 omcast 5 5.91 .62 omc spcl 5 5.66 .67 onatusPh6.76+1.00 Corning22.47-.24 CSVLgCrde2.79+.36 CSVelIVST34.09+.31 Cummins136.78+.02 DeltaAir44.09-.43 DxGldBull10.78-.55 Disney 1 05.24 .24 owChm46.86+.03 DuPont71.76-.27 DukeEngy74.35-.61 EMC Cp 2 5.81 .13 liLilly 7 3.44 .92 EnPro65.10-.44 ExxonMbl84.32-.54 Facebook83.01+.09 FifthThird19.09+.28 FinLine23.94+.51 FstMerch23.24... FiveBelow 3 5.55 3.33 ordM16.01-.17 FrankElec37.95-.06 Gannett36.06+.17 enElec24.80-.11 GenMotors37.35-.03 GileadSci101.08+1.22 Hallibrtn43.18-.28 HarrisCorp 7 3.28 2.64 ewlettP32.01-.19 Hilton29.18+.43 HonwllIntl 1 02.17 .24 ostHotls 2 0.28 .23 I CICI Bk 1 0.21 .15 i Eafe64.97-.57 Intel30.08+.19 IBM160.59+1.39 JPMorgCh59.54-.07 Jarden s51.65-.65 JohnJn100.14-.20 Keycorp14.15+.12 KimballInt 1 0.10 .05 inross g2.36-.10 KraftFGp84.39+1.22 Kroger76.09+.17 LancastrC 9 2.79 .61 eggPlat 4 4.96 .65 LincNat57.01+.51 Lowes72.86-1.40 MGM Rsts21.39-.30 MainSrce19.93+.36 MVJrGold23.97-.56 MktVGold19.07-.29 MV Semi 5 3.67 .39 ktVRus16.87-.36 McDnlds97.64-.50 Merck57.60-.66 icronT26.66+.09 Microsoft41.21-.25 Mondelez35.08-.73 MorgStan35.62+.17 MutualFst 2 2.97 .05 abors13.63+.05 NiSource42.80-.29 NokiaCp7.64-.22 NorflkSo 1 03.91 .14 ovavax 7 .58 .40 asisPet 1 4.15 .85 ldNBcp14.03+.14 Oracle42.99+.06 Orexigen7.25+.33 ParkerHan117.36+.37 PeabdyE5.60-.75 Penney7.65-.33 PepsiCo95.63+.37 PetrbrsA 5 .83 .29 etrobras5.79-.24 Pfizer34.16-.14 PhilipMord76.34-.36 PrUltCrude 7 .97 .73 roctGam 8 2.15 .86 Prudentl80.04+.66 Qualcom67.16-.06 RedHatu75.36+6.91 RegionsFn9.31+.06 RiteAid8.20-.16 RockTen s64.12-.07 2 05.27 .49 pdrOGEx49.77+.69 SanDiskd66.20-14.98 SandRdge1.82+.03 earsHldgs41.77+.27 SilganHldg57.23+.03 SimonProp192.65-1.50 SiriusXM3.86+.03 SkywksSol 9 3.04 2.53 ouFun s5.88-.06 Sprint4.79+.03 SP HlthC72.52-.17 SP Engy 7 7.03 .09 PDR Fncl 2 3.96 .02 Inds 5 5.34 .15 Util43.62-.37 StarwdHtlu84.78+3.14 TaiwSemi23.20+.02 TalismE g7.62-.01 Target80.44-1.18 3M Co162.59-.11 21stCFoxA33.94-.32 Twitter 4 9.92 .42 yson38.16-.14 UnionPac s108.17-2.65 US Bancrp43.25-.17 US OilFd 1 8.21 .85 SSteel 2 4.84 .03 Vale SA5.94-.28 VangEmg39.99-.23 Vectren43.41-.55 VerizonCm48.42-.31 WalMart81.89+.57 WellsFargo54.50-.04 WhitingPet 3 1.54 .03 ahoo44.47+.27 Zynga2.72-.05 Agricultural markets Futures WHEAT 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel May525.25498.25499.25-19.75 Jul529.75503.50504.75-19 Sep 5 38.75 5 13 5 14.25 19 ec553.25527.50528.75-19.25 Mar563.75541.25542-19.25 May566.75548.75549.50-17.25 Jul567.50548.25548.25-14.75 Sep570.25555.75555.75-14.50 Dec581.50567.50567.50-14 Mar587.75574.25574.25-13.50 May589.50581.75581.75-7.75 Jul570562.25562.25-7.75 CORN 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel May 3 97 3 89.25 3 91.25 3.75 ul 4 04.75 3 97.25 3 99.25 3.75 Sep 4 11.75 4 04.50 4 06.75 3.50 Dec419.75412.75414.75-3.25 Mar428.75422.25423.75-3 May435429430.25-3 Jul439433434.25-3.25 Sep 4 28.75 4 25.50 4 25.50 3.25 Dec427421.25422-3.50 Mar435430.75430.75-3.25 ay 4 39.25 4 36.50 4 36.50 2.75 ul 4 42.75 4 40 4 40 2.75 Sep436.75431.75431.75-5 Dec429425425.75-3.25 Jul446.50443443-3.50 Dec425.25421.75421.75-3.50 OATS 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel May 2 83.50 2 73.50 2 77.75 4.50 ul284.75276.50279-5 Sep 2 84.75 2 79.50 2 80.50 4.25 ec284.25279280.50-3.75 Mar 2 88 2 84.75 2 84.75 3 ay293288.25288.25-4.75 Jul 2 94 2 89.25 2 89.25 4.75 ep294289.25289.25-4.75 Dec 2 94 2 89.25 2 89.25 4.75 ar294289.25289.25-4.75 Jul294289.25289.25-4.75 Sep294289.25289.25-4.75 SOYBEANS 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel May981.50972974.50-4.25 Jul985975.75978.75-3.75 Aug983.50975977.75-3.25 Sep966960962.75-2 Nov960952955.25-2 Jan 9 64 9 57.50 9 60.25 2 Mar965.75959.25962-1.50 May966.25960.50963.50-1 ul 9 71 9 67.25 9 69.25 1 A ug970969969-1 Sep961959.50961+1.50 ov958953.50956.25+.50 Jan962.25961.75962.25+.50 Mar 9 67.25 9 66.75 9 67.25 .50 ay 9 71.25 9 71 9 71.25 .25 ul 9 76.50 9 76.50 9 76.50 A ug 9 74 9 74 9 74 ep963.75963.75963.75 Nov 9 55.50 9 54.50 9 54.50 1 ul957.75956.75956.75-1 Nov 9 31 9 30 9 30 1 SOYBEAN OIL 60,000 lbs- cents per lb May 3 1.69 3 0.81 3 1.17 .13 ul31.9031.0431.39+.13 Aug31.8531.1831.46+.15 Sep31.8831.3131.50+.16 Oct31.8531.1631.45+.13 Dec32.0331.2731.57+.10 Jan32.2031.6231.77+.09 Mar 3 2.37 3 1.83 3 1.99 .08 ay32.5932.0832.21+.07 Jul32.4732.3132.47+.10 Aug32.6032.4332.53+.10 Sep32.5332.4332.53+.10 Oct32.4532.3532.45+.10 Dec32.7032.3632.50+.14 Jan32.6232.4932.62+.13 Mar32.6232.4932.62+.13 May32.6232.4932.62+.13 Jul32.8032.6732.80+.13 Aug32.8332.7032.83+.13 HighLowSettleChg Akerosene heater in the bathroom of a downstairs apartment sent smoke billowing through a South 12th Street house Thursday morning. Josh Livingston was napping in the upstairs apartment at 411S. 12th St.
hen the fire broke out a bout 8:40 a.m. I smelled something funny and the girl downstairs yelled he said. house was covered in smoke so you even see out. Livingston, his girl- riend and their two dogs and a mother and baby in the downstairs apartment all escaped without injury. Kerosene eater parks ouse fire By Mike Emery LYNN, Aman go- i ng door-to-door asking to yard work has been eliminated as a suspect in an attempted abduction Wednesday.
ynn Police Depart- ent announced Thurs- ay on Facebook that after further investigation into event, it appears the man asking or work was not involved in the attempt to abduct a 7 -year-old boy near Sherman and Cherry streets. Police continue to look for a man who was driving agrey or silver four-door car with a dirty bottom. Lynn police: Man asking for work not a bduction suspect By Mike Emery Crow gave the example of an autistic Richmond elementary student who was disengaged with activities when he arrived. By the time he got to his second station, he was participating. The boy is usually nonverbal but was moved to speak during the field trip.
arts can really engage all types of Crow said. Crow said he hopes the family now will do more activities with him, knowing he responds to art. Those leading the students enjoy watching them learn. having a said Bess Sturgis, who is leading the groups with help from art museum volunteers, Richmond High School Peer Helpers and Earlham College students and staff. something to see these kids light up when they do the activities and finish their said volunteer Howard Ly, an Earlham freshman from Gresham, who was helping Wednesday at the calligraphy station.
wish had something like this when I was their JOSHUA Laila Lee, left, tries on her Chinese opera mask as kindergarten students from Crestdale Elementary School xperience Art is China on Wednesday at the Richmond Art Museum. Inspire JOSHUA Kindergarten studentstry writing Chinese characters at theArt Museum. ontinued from Page 3A the collaboration has been agreat experience for her students. She said when Quin- Tango played for the students, jaws Students learned na and Media by Edgardo Donato to perform with QuinTango. awesome to work with professionals and inv igorating for our Gruber said.
A fter their performance, QuinTango posted this on Facebook: concert at Richmond High School was wonderful great piano, reat sounding hall, interested kids and good quest ions. Our high school string players rocked On Thursday, the en- semble performed at Reid Hospital. dance ins tructor, Carina Losano, is teaching Latin dancing to oys Girls Clubs of Wayne County members, many of whom are alumni of two previous Tango Soccer workshops at the club. Earlham ollege is a co-sponsor of all theactivities. uinTango will perform at 7 p.m.
Sunday at The Jazz Kitchen. Concert Continued from Page 3A.